Pride Racing ISO 6 Bolts - Stainless - 16mm

  • 3-5 Tagen


This Pride Racing hardware kit enables you to secure your rear brake disc to your hub using the ISO 6 standard. Specifically designed for mounting on a Meybo HSX frame configuration.

In a setup involving a Meybo HSX AL or Carbon frame, it's essential to use an adjustment ring specially crafted to align your disc accurately with your flat-mount caliper. On Meybo HSX frames, calipers are directly mounted onto the frame with no provision for adjusting the caliper's position. Therefore, alignment between your brake pads and the disc can be fine-tuned at the disc level to prevent any friction.

Due to the additional thickness introduced by this adjustment ring, the use of 16mm ISO 6 fixing screws is necessary.

Note: If your assembly configuration involves an HSX frame and an HSX hub, this hardware kit is not required. If your assembly configuration involves an HSX frame and an HSX hub, this hardware kit is not required.


  • Material: Stainless Steel

  • Thread Type: Allen (BTR)

  • Standard: M5

  • Length: 16mm

  • Weight: To be announced

  • Compatible with ISO 6 fixing system

  • Sold in packs of 6

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Benutzung nur unter Aufsicht vom Erwachsenen

Montage nur durch Fachpersonal

Nicht für Kinder unter 3Jahren geeignet

Nur für Bmx sport geeignet

Nicht im öffentlichen Strassenverkehr zugelassen.


Hersteller:                                   EU Verantwortliche Person:

Pride Racing parts                      Pride Racing Parts
116 chemin du Colombier               116 chemin du Colombier
69590 ST Symphorien Sur Coise     69590 ST Symphorien Sur Coise
France                                          France